About us

The life coaching programs can be customized to best suit the needs of any group, from corporations to professional organizations. Every program is designed to help you attract all you want in life.

About Coach Datta

Dattatray Bhusal, a motivational speaker based in Mumbai, India. With over 22 years of industrial experience, Dattatray is a Bachelor of an engineering graduate who currently works as a Project Lead for a US-based company. He strongly believes in motivation and positive affirmation, and his single-life philosophy is centred around the idea that every moment counts.

Having experienced the ups and downs of life firsthand, Dattatray is passionate about helping people realize the importance of priorities and how they play a crucial role in shaping our lives. His drive to make a difference in people’s lives has led him to become a passionate YouTuber and a life coach.

Dattatray has been recognized for his outstanding work as a project lead and was awarded the Best Project Lead to mentor people on how to gain customer confidence. As an IBC (Independent Business Consultant) from Vivek Bindra’s team, he is dedicated to helping individuals and organizations achieve their goals and unlock their full potential.

Through his motivational speeches and coaching sessions, Dattatray inspires and empowers individuals to break through their limitations, overcome obstacles, and achieve their dreams. His unique approach is focused on building confidence, enhancing self-belief, and developing a growth mindset.

If you are looking for a dynamic and engaging speaker or a life coach who can help you unlock your full potential, look no further than Dattatray Bhusal. Contact him today to take the first step towards transforming your life.

Our approach
to life coaching

Coaches have the ability to view things from afar - in what some call helicopter vision - and to shed new light on difficult situations. Often they can act as a sounding board through tough decisions, help sharpen skills, and motivate.
Personalized Coaching
We tailor our coaching sessions to each individual's unique needs and goals.
Improve your communication
Transform your communication skills with our evidence-based coaching approach, focused on active listening, clarity, non-verbal communication, conflict resolution, and assertiveness.
Collaborative Approach
We work closely with our clients to understand their challenges, aspirations, and motivations.
Safe and Non-Judgmental Space
We create a supportive and empathetic environment where clients can feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings.
Evidence-based Coaching
Our coaching methodologies are based on research and proven practices in the field of coaching and psychology.
Practical Tools and Resources
We provide our clients with practical tools, resources, and strategies to achieve their goals and sustain their progress over time.
With the people,
for the people
I work as a supportive mentor and wellness authority who works with clients.
Feel complete,
inside and outside
I’m there fill the void for my clients to achieve their long life wishes and long term goals.
Personalized Coaching
We tailor our coaching sessions to each individual's unique needs and goals.
Improve your communication
Transform your communication skills with our evidence-based coaching approach, focused on active listening, clarity, non-verbal communication, conflict resolution, and assertiveness.
Collaborative Approach
We work closely with our clients to understand their challenges, aspirations, and motivations.
Safe and Non-Judgmental Space
We create a supportive and empathetic environment where clients can feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings.
Evidence-based Coaching
Our coaching methodologies are based on research and proven practices in the field of coaching and psychology.
Practical Tools and Resources
We provide our clients with practical tools, resources, and strategies to achieve their goals and sustain their progress over time.
With the people, for the people
I work as a supportive mentor and wellness authority who works with clients.
Feel complete, inside and outside
I’m there fill the void for my clients to achieve their long life wishes and long term goals.

Dedicated to your
life improvement

Working one-on-one with a certified Life Coach can help you identify and attain your biggest goals. Our private coaching clients experience significant breakthroughs that lead them to challenge their thinking, resulting in remarkable changes in their careers, relationships and quality of life.
Identify your goals
Continually reintermediate integrated processes through technically sound intellectual capital.
Finding the answers
Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test.
Finding the balance
Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on the bottom line.
Achieve success
Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity.
Identify your goals
Continually reintermediate integrated processes through technically sound intellectual capital.
Finding the answers
Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test.
Finding the balance
Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on the bottom line.
Achieve success
Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity.

Life coaching
in numbers

Before you start your coaching, you’re sure to have a number of questions about the journey you will soon undertake. Here are crunched numbers about it before coaching even begins.
0123456789001234567890                     %
Success for all clients so far
Setting and achieving goals and objectives
012345678900123456789001234567890                     +
Clients consulted in total
Making key decisions and designing success strategies
01234567890                     +
Certificates and awards globally
Finding the ideal career/work or business
01234567890                     +
Years of coaching experience
Communicating powerfully and succinctly
0123456789001234567890                     %
Success for all clients so far
Setting and achieving goals and objectives
012345678900123456789001234567890                     +
Clients consulted in total
Making key decisions and designing success strategies
01234567890                     +
Certificates and awards globally
Finding the ideal career/work or business
01234567890                     +
Years of coaching experience
Communicating powerfully and succinctly
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